About Pathways
Our mission is to serve the immediate needs of individuals and families experiencing homelessness within the Yankton area, while engaging partners in developing long-term solutions. The shelter was founded on the belief that everyone deserves a home.
Pathways has been in existence since 1994. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Our vision is to break the cycle of homelessness in those we serve.
Our Core Values
Integrity | Respect | Inspiration | Excellence | Community | Financial Stewardship
Pathways receives funds from South Dakota Housing & Development Authority and is a part of the South Dakota statewide Continuum of Care. Pathways operates in line with the mission & values of the Continuum of Care & the Housing for the Homeless Consortium:
Beliefs: Housing and other basic needs should be within everyone’s reach in an affordable and dignified manner
Vision: Empower those at risk of or experiencing homelessness to self-sufficiency
Values: Homelessness is unacceptable, preventable, expensive, and resolvable through education, coordination, and collaboration
Guiding Principles:
Housing First - including person centered - assessments are based on the participant’s self-reported goals, risks, and strengths. Projects are designed for inclusion and do not exclude households who are deemed to have too many barriers to their success.
Strength-Based - emphasizes the belief that there are no limits to a participant’s ability to grow and achieve stability
Data Driven - committed to collecting high-quality data that can be used to inform decision making​
What We Offer
Contact Us
412 E 4th St, Yankton, SD 57078, USA
Office (605) 665-8994
Fax (605) 260-8915
Hours of Operation: 8:30 AM - 10:00 PM