As a 501(c)3 organization, Pathways operates entirely on grants and donations from the community. It takes a great deal of supplies to operate; any donations from the community are greatly appreciated. Our current wishlist is below.
Items We are Not Accepting​
Decorative items (Paintings, fake plants, knick knacks,)
Clothing donations : We ask that the community donate all clothing to Goodwill or the Clothing Closet. The Clothing Closet holds quarterly donation drives. The exact times and locations of the drive will be announced by The United Way each quarter. For more information about The Clothing Closet, please contact United Way staff by email at or call (605)665-6766.
*DISCLAIMER* Any household donations to Pathways that are in excess of what we already have will be shared with other agencies in Yankton.
Items that go to 412 E 4th Street
Staff are available Monday - Saturday from 1pm to 8pm to accept donations.
​Office Supplies
Post-It Notes
Dry Erase Markers
Masking Tape
AA & AAA Batteries
Binder dividers/labels
Bath Items/Toiletries
Medical supplies (first aids kits, Hydrogen Peroxide, Cold/Flu medicine)
Full size deodorants (men & women)
Tootpaste (large or small tubes)
Full size shampoos/conditioners/body wash
Kid's shampoos (3-in-1)
Razors (men & women)
Shaving cream (men & women)
Feminine Products
Paper products (paper towels, toilet paper, paper plates, bowls, cups, napkins, facial tissue)
Plastic utensils
Walmart and Hyvee gift cards to purchase perishable food items
Food Storage bags and containers (Ziploc/tupperware)
Any food product (within reason)
General Use
Cleaning supplies (Any)
Trash Bags (13 Gallons or larger)
Dish Soap
Laundry Detergent
For our most updated list of immediate needs, click here.